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イメチェン♪ 出張続きで忙しい管理人、ロドスタ君はまたまた入院中なので、少ない休日に管理人の機械弄り欲を満たしてくれるのは、ちゃりんこたちであります。


Charge Spoon Saddle 今回イメチェンのメインになってるのが、このサドル。本当はBROOKSのサドルとか大好きなんですが、革サドルは馴染むまでが大変だし、メンテや重さとか考えると、普通の合皮サドルが無難な所。

で、見つけたのがCharge BikesSpoon Saddle。最近流行のピストなんかにも使われているサドル(実際はMTB用)ですが、ちょいと広めの座面に薄いデザイン、合皮ですがブラウンのカラーと座面のパンチング(穴はな空いてませんが)が素敵♪

バーテープも サドルに合わせたって訳じゃないんですが、先日メンテ中に倒して破けてしまった(^^ゞバーテープも交換しました。ホントはレザーバーテープとか欲しかったんですが、ちょっと高いので・・・。


バーエンドテールライト 道交法で自転車にはフロントのライトと、リアにはリフレクターかテールライトが必須です。当然ライトの方が視認性が高いんですが、いかにもってデザインが納得できず。


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Dorodoreils | 2013/12/24 01:49 PM
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私は(私は端からスライスし、水に全体ライムスティック、半分に1カット)指示通りに生姜のスライスを煮たが、新鮮なミントの葉、シナモンスティック、カモミールの1袋、および石灰の半分を追加しました。 私の夫は生姜が好きではないので、私は強い香りをカバーするためのものを追加する必要がありましたし、それは他の成分も有益であることが分かる。 私は(また、細菌と戦う)蜂蜜でそれを甘くして、私の夫はそれが好きだった。 [url=http://matsuurasuisan.com/access/chanelbags4.php]シャネル iphoneケース[/url]
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An incredibly reputable source said Harry Reid will not launch the taxation assessments because he's certainly not compensated the total 10% (of full "increase") tithe for the Chapel involving Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Team (LDS). : any religious beliefs he shares having Romney. If Harry Reid were not a really despicable hypocirite however discharge his or her tax returns hence the Bishop connected with their LDS Infirmary may see whether Harry humiliated in the course of the Brow Highly recommend Interview a brow suggest as being a Mormon's "admintence card" in order to religious Brow r¨¨gles.
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Anybody will be fascinated, the content "Mitt Romney&rsquo; s i9000 Extraordinarily Clumsy Penny-Pinching Compulsion" by means of Alex MacGillis in the Completely new Republic web site illustrates why Romney is completely correct not to release any more taxation assessments, less for a comma considerably more. Only make sure to read this crap and see how long out and about into your weeds an ardent reportorial scam artist similar to MacGillis will go when presented nothing at all worth focusing on as well as fascination. This is a masterwork regarding pointless mudslinging concerning hidden terms within the duty code this definitely encourage Mr.. MacGillis that Romney is A AWFUL PERSON. n nThe taxes and tax returns of any successful buyer, your company be met with no surprise, tend to be complicated matters. To assess all of them appropriately needs the ability of your documentalist plus a tax legal representative. Only in that case, right after executing individuals mind-numbing responsibilities, may any individual able to find involving precisely what is proper in addition to poor, genuine in addition to bogus. Mister MacGillis nonetheless would like all people to be able to neglect to certainly often the prosecution level no reach this for the abuse phase. Romney's prosperous. She has utilized duty breaks. Accountable? Obviously your dog is sinful. And also MacGillis' became barrows brimming with splendidly confusing as well as hopelessly specific facts to feed typically the obstruction length of the convoluted, thought-deadening, ahem, r¨|dig¨|e fashion. n nThe previous couple of a few months have demonstrated beyond achieve associated with cavil the fact that criminal business otherwise known as often the Obama with regard to Leader Marketing campaign features followed TELLING LIES AS A DELIBERATE TECHNIQUE. Ala Nike pas cher their own detto will be "Just say that! very well Consequently, the particular Democrats would love nothing at all superior to for you to inveigle their media allies directly into wasting your next 11 weeks performing very little however talking about Romney's taxes collection through range (and every person that this growing media will need special little in the form of inveigling). And just if we all people might truly somewhat not necessarily, if we'd choose gouging away our view compared to digging just like termites into 4,000 web pages involving tax statements, perceived and also neutral gurus such as duty wizards Wolf Blitzer, Erin Burnett, Donald Gregory, often the aforesaid Mister. MacGillis, and also George Stephanopoulos may be depended on to describe to help us how suspicious in addition to my many advantages! quite possibly the way outlawed the reduction said on the internet 53 regarding additional routine N (as modified 1983) more than likely is usually; plus said credit score is in infringement of Chapter 200-1g (section 512, subsection LII, paragraph 69) on the Utah income tax computer, along with helping, basically, often the delivering of an offender actions up against the Governor on the grounds that he / she evaded report generation income earned by white captivity in infringement from the Providing Moonshine to Mormons Act involving 1934, in addition to we will just simply reserved the actual several months involving June along with Oct to really are able to the bottom of that. some remarkable nCats will probably chase pups as well as snowfall dark before we must watch a stop on the spectacle.
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Allow us to always bear in mind in which Harry Reid is actually a guy Mormon. some remarkable nBut there is something else the following that everyone is definitely missing out on Romney might not exactly handed over any kind of income taxes for 10 years since he may don! ̄t you have earned any money with regard to decade. Hew effectively could possibly have paid for themself a salary regarding $1 that is perfectly authorized which is definitely not taxable, therefore absolutely no "income" duty. (I believe it is $7K you have to make prior to deciding to need to file, even though it can be a bit less. ) n nHe might have as an alternative obtained their income because rewards that is flawlessly legitimate (if it must be can also be a concern, however it *is* lawful, in addition to consistently done) so therefore just got "investment" earnings on what this individual possibly paid the correct income taxes. And therefore somebody who for some reason (illegally) got a duplicate associated with Romney's taxation statements for anyone many years solely perceives him or her paying taxes on expenditure income without realizing that it really is paycheck given while dividends in addition to knee-jerks the particular "didn't pay out taxes" concept. n nI believe Master of science. Goodman said best continue summer season: Romney is quite VERY wealthy. Very good he has enough income to never want ¨|l¨|ments in addition to payoffs thus might be sincere. And frankly, My spouse and i avoid care how they usually spends *his* funds, I am more thinking about the way this individual (or NoBama) stays *OUR* funds....
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