Java at Center of Desktop Battle

1 名前:colorful_fowl 投稿日:07/13/03 06:09 pm (>>)
Java at Center of ...
"Java at Center of Desktop Battle"

And yet this artical is about the battle for every area except the desktop. This headline must have been approved by Tenet.

2 名前:linzeecoble 投稿日:07/13/03 06:53 pm (>>)
Java is better
Java is better than M$'s JVM, at least Java is an Open file format where Linux, BSD, UNIX, Solaris, and (barf) Windoze can run Java...

what can M$'s JVM run on??? (Only Windoze)

3 名前:experience_counts2 投稿日:07/13/03 07:12 pm (>>1)
Re: Java at Center of ...
Hey, they had the ability to deploy a virtual machine attack within 45 minutes. Microsoft had to kill them.

4 名前:foodfortheworms 投稿日:07/13/03 07:21 pm (>>3)
Re: Java at Center of ...
<Hey, they had the ability to deploy a virtual machine attack within 45 minutes.>

So would the victims of this virtual machine attack have been the EverQuest folk or the Sims?

5 名前:experience_counts2 投稿日:07/13/03 07:22 pm (>>2)
Re: Java is better
Sigh. Do Linux weenies ever pick up the clue phone? Or does it just ring and ring and ring and ring...

Any technology can have infinitely better features and specifications than the crap that Microsoft supplies. 99% of the computer users on the planet don't know and don't *care* to know how to install or use something better. The M$ solution is already there, it works, it's liable to break something if they change it.

Microsoft is about control, not about setting or creating standards. The users don't know and don't care to know. Therefore the M$ provided solution beats the pants off the open source one, every time.

Arguments about who builds a better turn signal lever, Microsoft or the open source world - completely ignore the fact that it's Microsoft's car we're talking about.

When the open source world offers a solution that's better for the majority of desktop users, the momentum will change. When the open source world has development tools and 900 support numbers that are so easy to use that complete idiots can write programs for Linux, then Microsoft will have to worry.

Until then, it's their car. Just be quiet and accept the ride. Please don't whine about crap that's "better for geeks" because it only matters if it's better for the other 99.9% of the users.


A Geek Who Cares.

6 名前:experience_counts2 投稿日:07/13/03 07:27 pm (>>4)
Re: Java at Center of ...
We don't know yet, but fortunately we foiled their plans to buy mass quantities of byte code from Nigeria before they could launch the attack.

We have proof, actual documention written in the official crayon of the Royal Nigerian Evildoers. The letter 'E' is backwards in all the writing, but it looks official enough for us to call in an airstrike. Since it's a purple crayon, it must have something to do with Tinkie Winkie and the rest of those underground bastards.

7 名前:ehangman 投稿日:07/13/03 07:49 pm (>>)
jvm runs on what?
right now we cannot get jvm to run on Linux or Solaris. It is only stable on Windows. What a piece of CRAP

8 名前:ehangman 投稿日:07/13/03 07:53 pm (>>)
further more
The problem is posted on the SUN support site and they are not responding? Doesn't work on SPARC ha ha

9 名前:abluechicken 投稿日:07/13/03 08:48 pm (>>8)
Re: further more
<The problem is posted on the SUN support site and they are not responding?>

Don't you know Sun only talks about their product and doesn't support them. Why do you think they like all of this open source stuff? They can make something and just tell you that you can find whatever you need or want for someone else.

10 名前:ehangman 投稿日:07/13/03 10:31 pm (>>9)
Re: further more
Amen brother

11 名前:dave_vc 投稿日:07/14/03 02:27 am (>>5)
Re: Java is better
You're right. It's not Microsoft's fault that Windows crashes:,12543,464015,00.html
Vaettir are Linux geeks!

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